
Our current availability only reflects what we have on hand. We have thousands of plants coming in, or being produced throughout the growing season. Please reference the catalog for our full pallet of anticipated material.

How to Plant and Maintain Trees and Shrubs

Please click to open current availability 2-4-25



IG = In Ground (Early Spring and Fall only, except Arborvitae) / B&B = Balled & Burlap /

CG = Container Grown

This list may not reflect material already sold or available in our Northborough location.  We have 4 growing locations in central Massachusetts.

All plant material is sold through our Northborough sales area only.

Note: We are a multi-divisional Company & inventory changes QUICKLY! Not everything is available for immediate pick up at our Northborough location but can be pulled together for your scheduled pick up. 

Call – Fax or Email to Check Availability.

You can always send a list for pricing and availability.


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